Friday, February 26, 2010

“Love the One You're With”

Most people dream one day they will find that special someone, fall in love and live happily ever after. For those fortunate to find true love, being part of a pair is a blessing. But, that dream does not work out for everyone. Whether because of divorce, death, or not being able to find that certain someone, many people end up living alone for some period of their adult lives. There are those who relish singleness and make the most of living solo. Others seem to dread being alone, falling deeper and deeper into despair.

What separates those who are single and satisfied from those who are alone and lonely? That is what Health Watch wanted to find out as we explored “Being Single and Mastering the Art of Aloneness.” Helping us to think about these issues was Lauren Mackler, a professional life coach and author of Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life. On the heels of a lonely Valentine’s Day for some, Lauren’s advice was just what many of our Health Watch listeners needed to hear.

Lauren shared that mastering the art of aloneness is not about advocating for being solo. Instead mastering the art of aloneness is about understanding and loving yourself first so no matter whether you are paired or not, you can get the best out of life. Since you live with yourself 24/7/365, then it makes sense you should like and love yourself best. For Lauren, appreciating aloneness starts with understanding critical things about our selves. Take for instance your family of origin. The family you were raised in has a significant impact on how you think about yourself and deal with being alone. Were you the “hero” in your family or “the rebel”? Were you the oldest child or the middle one? These dynamics influence how you see yourself and interact with others.

Laruen also shared ways to overcome the fears that keep us from living to our fullest and how to quiet the chatter in our heads that makes us feel unworthy of love. Lauren’s candor and kindness had our Health Watch listeners glued to their seats. Health Watch listeners were even calling in days after the show to find out how they could get a copy of Lauren’s book for their own process of self-discovery. It was a Health Watch show worth hearing!

If you were not able to tune in or want to find out more about Lauren and her book, then check out this link:

Loving yourself is the greatest love of all. Health Watch is convinced of this and we hope our listeners are as well. Until next time remember, “When we know better, we do better. So pass it on!”

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