Tuesday, December 1, 2009

“A Circle of Promise”

When you are blessed, bless someone else. Sharing a blessing is how all great movements get started. One person shares what they have and others do the same. The idea of sharing blessings is behind Health Watch’s tagline, “When we know better, we do better. So pass it on!” We are blessed to be a blessing.

In the spirit of blessing, we invited Crystal King of Susan G. Komen for the Cure to be a guest on Health Watch a few weeks ago. Phoning in from Dallas, Texas, Crystal talked to Health Watch about a Komen for the Cure effort, Circle of Promise.

Circle of Promise is a movement to provide African Americans with tools to improve their health and empower communities with information about breast cancer. Circle of Promise members serve as ambassadors in their local communities. They advocate for greater access to breast cancer screening, mobilize friends and family to reclaim health, and separate facts from myths about breast cancer. They also inspire others to spread these messages of hope to those they know and love. Since starting, thousands have become Circle of Promise ambassadors. Susan G. Komen for the Cure is looking to recruit even more.

Supporting Circle of Promise are national ambassadors, including: singers Pattie LaBelle and Lalah Hathaway; Tom Joyner Morning Show co-host, Sybil Wilkes; artist Synthia SAINT JAMES, and many, many more. Crystal, herself a breast cancer survivor, has been featured as a Circle of Promise ambassador on corporate partner products. Circle of Promise includes people from all walks of life. Both the international celebrity and the faithful community member have a sphere of influence. That sphere can be a circle of promise to end breast cancer.

If you have been blessed and want to bless others, then Circle of Promise might be your opportunity. For more information about Circle of Promise and Susan G. Komen for the Cure, check out this website: http://www.circleofpromise.org/default.aspx

Health Watch has joined the Circle of Promise. Hope you will, too. Until next time, remember “When we know better, we do better. So pass it on!”